Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How To Help

Right, so I am only one person, and I'm only 17. I also don't have a job. I can't afford to buy a ton of stamps. So, I will give you the list of things you can do to help me out!
1. Send me a check so I can buy stamps and maybe in the future can send care packages and such.
2. Sign up to be a Pen Pals For Recovery Letter Writer. (See here for instructions)
3. Send me stamps, if you don't feel like writing checks or something.
Anyhow, that's really all I need right now. As this grows, the list might grow with it, so check back often.


  1. Laura
    I understand that there is only one person you. YOU decided to start this and hook up people in recovery to help eachother also build a bond. I dont feel I should even need to offer any money or stamps. There is plenty of ways to run the program you made (using e-mail and snail mail) so you dont have any type of financial burden.
    I have read everything and understand fully that its good to have structure and to make sure others are treated with respect. I think there is too many rules/regulations and not enough PR or people. Getting people here should be the major concern then once its off and running if you have to many problems then kick off with your point system. Im not judging at all im just sharing my thoughts and experience.

    1. I agree with Jamie, this is a great idea. But reading that comes off as suspicions at worst and pushy at best, Which inst what you wanted to project I assume. Good luck! And don't get discouraged. This is a gem girl, you will help people connect that really need it so keep up the good work.
