Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Apply To Be A Letter Writer!

Right, so if you would like to become a Letter Writer, please fill out this mini-application, and send it to

What have you struggled with (if any)?
What do you think you can be most helpful with (self-injury, drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, etc)?
Can you stay positive, supportive, and recovery-oriented in your letters?
Anything else I should know about?


  1. Hi, Im Natalie Im 16 years old and I am currently nearing the end of recovery for Anorexia Nervosa. I also have problems with a mood disorder, which I have just started medication for, and I also engage in self harm although I am currently doing certain things to try and resolve this.
    I think I can help people with eating disorders and depression/self injury.
    I believe I can stay positive and I know I would never ever try prevent anyone elses recovery.

  2. Hi, I will need your email address in order to discuss this with you. I'll comment on your LJ, but if you see this, please email

  3. Hi my name is emily and i am 19 years old I have struggled with cutting and also attempted suicide.I think i can be most helpful with people who cut them selves and maybe or have been suicidial. I think I can stay very positive and relly help people who struggle wtih this. I haven't cut myself in about 7 months.

  4. Name? Sam Carson
    Age? 17
    What have you struggled with (if any)? depression, self harm, eating disorder
    What do you think you can be most helpful with (self-injury, drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, etc)? what I had issues with...
    Can you stay positive, supportive, and recovery-oriented in your letters? always
    Anything else I should know about? I have a lot of family and personal issues and most of that came from my depression and my brother's aspergers and other disorders. I know what it's like and im here to help the best I can.
